Cat the Coach (a.k.a. your partner in crime)….


I traveled the globe as a successful meeting planner for many years, created multiple businesses including The Bark Bar, Denver’s first dog park bar, and always, always expanded my knowledge of the mind and what makes us tick.

By 2018, I was exhausted. Overwhelmed. Burnt out. Even though my career was thriving, my body, mind and spirit were completely depleted. I kept getting a message to rest. Just rest. But after so many years on the hamster wheel, I didn’t even know how to do it. I actually googled “how to rest”. At the time, Google came back with over 4 million hits. Hello, overwhelm! So I did what most of us do when faced with overwhelm. I stuffed it down, pushed it away and plowed ahead.

Four months later, I received a breast cancer diagnosis. Suddenly the need to heal burnout became a matter of life and death.

It quickly became apparent that I would need to reorganize, reprioritize, really redesign my entire life. I had to learn how to do things differently, how to achieve the results I wanted without jumping back on the hamster wheel. I went through extensive coach and Energy Leadership training to add even more tools and knowledge to my degree in Psychology and my experience as a Psych-K facilitator.

Now I’m a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner. I use my knowledge, experience and training to teach burnt crispy professionals and organizations how to redesign their own lives and careers to get the results they crave without the stress and burnout that has plagued them for years.

If you’re reading this, chances are you need help. Someone to help you cut the crap, clear the clutter, and finally start living a life that feels delicious, exciting, fulfilling and fun.

For me that means less fear, less anxiety, less judgment. More dogs, naps, travel and spiritual creaminess.

For you? You get to decide. Let’s get started.

If credentials are your thing, I got ya covered…

And now for a few gratuitous photos of fun adventures. Did I mention I love travel? And dogs?

Let’s connect